
I want to discuss a very important topic that does not  get much attention: Napping. Yes, keeping an eye on neighborhood cats from my window bench while laying on a pile of folded quilts is important, however even more important is perfecting my napping skills. I like to think of myself as a “Professional Napper”. If there were a national certification in “Nap-ology” I am certain I would be among the first to get certified. Just  imagine the rigorous exam to become a Certified Nap-ologist – I wonder just how long you have to sleep in a cozy position in order to pass the exam.

I think if more humans spent more time napping they would be happier. Sure, of course you have to do those important human things that provide food in my dog bowl, a roof over my head, and a nice chair for me to lay on and watch my favorite TV shows (all you humans are silly if you do not think dogs have evolved to enjoy TV also – NCIS is my favorite show!). But when you are not providing for my every needs, you could spend the time taking a nice cozy nap!

I have included some photos of some of my Napping Masterpieces to inspire you to GET NAPPING!

For awhile I have been working on perfecting the “recliner footrest” nap, I think I have mastered it:


Let’s be honest, quilts, especially hand-made ones, are best for napping:


Just because a quilt is not finished, does not mean you cannot take a nap on it (even it is hanging from the iron board waiting for a human to finishing pressing it):


Sometimes I need my humans entire pillow, not just a corner of it, for a good nap:


And finally, my adopted brother Snickers and I in a “bilateral napping” masterpiece:



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